Take a Break

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Father of the Year Canton Police Officer officially Indicted

Former police officer Bobby Cutts, Jr. is officially indicted. You may remember this is the Canton Police Officer who had a checked past, multiple children with multiple women, was married at the time he was in a relationship with Jessie Davis, and is the father of Blake Davis, the adorable child who tragically saw the demise of his mom. Needless to say, defendant Cutts WILL NOT be this years Father of the Year.

Don't forget, Bobby Cutts, Jr. will likely plead, "Not Guilty" in response to the indictment, maintain his innocence similar to his proclamation to the Canton Repository in an exclusive interview in June 2007.

Did Cutts, the Canton police officer, have anything to do with Davis’ disappearance?
“No, I did not,” Cutts said. Cutts looked tired, sullen and depressed. He openly wept during an exclusive interview with The Repository from his home.
I can just see it now, "Oh, THAT Jessie Davis, my son's mom. I didn't know you were talking about that Jessie Davis. Um, let me see (pausing for a moment to look at his attorney) what kind of deal can I get?"

Here are some of the documents worth looking at:
Criminal Complaint - Cutts // Criminal Complaint - Ferrell // Cutts Indictment // Jessie Davis Missing Poster
An article on Cutts' past

Here is Bobby Cutts, Jr.'s new home.