Take a Break

Monday, August 20, 2007

Ron Mexico Michael Vick first pled NOT GUILTY now pleads GUILTY

Ron Mexico Michael Dwayne Vick suddenly remembers that he is guilty of organizing dog fights. This after adamently proclaiming his innocence and his vow to clear his "good name." At his arraignment, he pleads not guilty and says he will clear his good name.

Time for the broom. I can only wonder if Ed Jew will realize what Vick realized; EVERYONE IS AGAINST ME, WITNESSES ARE LINED UP TO TESTIFY AGAINST ME, THE TRUTH HURTS. What does this have to do with Public Records? Pacer!!! If you want to learn about what's going on in a Federal case, you need an account with Pacer and you need to search. Here are some interesting Vick documents.



Co-defendant Summary of Facts

Co-defendant2 Summary of Facts

Co-defendant Plea Deal